During my years of
ME/CFS I have heard a few things said to me relating to my condition. Here
are some of them.
do you think are the nicest things / worst things? Please comment :)
Nice things :
Ei sinun tarvitsekaan jaksaa. / You are allowed to be
Just be merciful to
Are you OK to carry
Maybe you should get
some rest now.
It's Ok, I understand you need to cancel.
It's Ok, I understand you need to cancel.
Get a hobby and you’ll
be ok.
How lazy can you get?
But you look just fine.(how
come you can’t do this or that?).
Can’t you just do it?..
(or this or that)
Pull yourself together.
Maybe if you did some exercise
Come on, at least try
to keep up!
Maybe you should move
to another country.
I would be depressed
too, if I had 30 years of misery ahead of me.
Isn’t it just nice to
stay in bed all day long.
You are having such an easy life!
You should be grateful,
at least it does not kill you.
Get something new to
think about and you’ll be fine.
I don’t know how your
family puts up with it (you).
Are you sure you are
really ill?
It’s just something in
your head..
Oh, I had that 2
months ago.
Oh, I had that 2
months ago, but I shaked it off.
I know exactly how you
feel… (I was really tired yesterday)
You should just fight
I’m sure you would be
ok, if you did not think about it.
Try to focus on
positives and you’ll be fine.
We all get tired, it’s
no excuse..
If it was me, I would
fight it at least.
Let me refer you to a
The worst: Get a hobby and you'll be ok.